tnv thumbnail
[tnv : quick start]

First, check that you have the required software and libraries.

In Mac OS X, double-click the disk image to mount it on your desktop, then copy to your Applications folder. Double-click tnv to start.

In Linux, uncompress the tar file (tar xzf file) to desired location. Run to start. (You may need to edit the startup file to use the correct JRE depending on how your environment is set up.)

In Windows, uncompress the zip file to desired location. Run tnv_startup.bat to start.

You should increase the amount of memory as much as possible. You can do this by changing the sh or bat file (or open the package in Mac OS X and edit the properties), and increasing: -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M (the first number is the minimum amount of MB to allocate, the second is the maximum; for best performance these numbers should be the same).

1. First, a window will prompt you to choose your 'home' or local network; enter the appropriate network address and subnet mask. Hosts that are part of your home network are drawn in the main portion of the display, while remote hosts are drawn much smaller. You can change this later through the Preferences. enter home network window
2. Next, a window will prompt you to choose a database type. If you have a MySQL database setup, choose that option and fill in the host, port, database name, username, and password (the database must already exist), otherwise, choose the default, embedded database. (The default should be appropriate for most users.) choose database type window
3. Next, choose the menu item File -> Import pcap file... to import a file generated with tcpdump, winpcap, ethereal, or other software that can save data in pcap format, or choose Capture -> Capture Packets... to begin capturing packets. (Note: Linux and Mac users must have permission to capture packets.) capture packets window
4. When the file has finished loading or you choose to finish the packet capture, you the visualization will display the network traffic. The amount of memory available to tnv will determine the number of packets that can be visualized at once, but generally anything less than 25,000 will be fine. Up to 60,000 will work, but the user interaction will be sluggish.
tnv shows remote hosts at the left of the screen and local hosts in a matrix of host rows and time columns at the right with links drawn between them. The matrix cells' colors represent the number of packets for that time interval. Packets can optionally be superimposed on the aggregated local host cells.
overview of tnv

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